Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery, 2nd Edition

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The first edition of Make: Electronics established a new benchmark for introductory texts. This second edition enhances that learning experience. Here you will find unique, photographically precise diagrams of breadboarded components, to help you build circuits with speed and precision. A new shopping guide and a simplified range of components, will minimize your investment in parts for the projects. A completely new section on the Arduino shows you how to write properly structured programs instead of just downloading other people's code. Projects have been reworked to provide additional features, and the book has been restructured to offer a step-by-step learning process that is as clear and visually pleasing on handheld devices as it is on paper. Full color is used throughout.

Product Information
Mfr Part#
ISBN-10: 1-6804-5026-3 ISBN-13: 978-1-68-045026-2
General Information
Electronic Projects
Charles Platt
Package Contents
What's in the Box
Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery, 2nd Edition